Meet 11 day old Daisy-Jean little daughter of mum Verity and her dad Adam and sister to Olly and Jack. Daisy has a very rare but serious genetic condition called Edwards syndrome that causes a wide range of severe medical problems. The survival rate for babies born with Edwards syndrome is extremely low and Verity and Adam have been told they only have a few days with Daisy.
I heard about Daisy and her family through a 'gofundme' link my friend had made me aware of. The site is there to try and help Verity and Adam with paying for travel costs to and from hospital, as Adam doesn't drive plus to help support the family during the coming weeks. After reading about Daisy and her family I really wanted to reach out and offer some photographs of them altogether. So I had the pleasure of meeting Verity and her family today. Daisy-Jean is a beautiful, dainty little girl and was certainly dressed for the occasion in a gorgeous Rudolf tutu!

She's no longer hooked up to machines with wires everywhere so there's nothing but love and cuddles for this adorable little girl.

I can't imagine what they must be going through at this time, it's a heartbreaking experience that they are facing which is why I wanted to get involved even just in a small way. All being well Daisy will be able to go home tomorrow for a short time before going to a children's hospice.
Verity and Adam have a small support network of friends as they have very little extended family of their own which is another reason for the gofundme site. It's not always a jolly time of year for everyone and I understand it's an expensive time too but I've added the link to the gofundme site just in case anyone can spare a little something, all donations are greatly appreciated.